
Urban Planning Blog

Architecture and Urban Planning Blog for forward-thinking developers and innovative municipalities who want to achieve smarter density. 

How Angular Planes Perpetuate Toronto’s Housing Crisis

How Angular Planes Perpetuate Toronto’s Housing Crisis You don’t need to be an architect, urban planner, developer, or realtor to know that Toronto needs more housing. Ask anyone who is trying to find a new home to rent or purchase in the city. It’s competitive,

In a search for a 3-bedroom, family unit

In a search for a 3-bedroom, family unit We love our neighbourhood – it has great shops and restaurants, it’s close to work, it has good transit connectivity, and we’ve developed a lineup of favourite parks that we frequent with our little ones. With a

Design will make or break a neighbourhood–building height won’t

Have you ever joined a community meeting about a new development? “It’s too tall,” you’ll hear neighbours proclaim. “The shadows will be unbearable!”Others suggest that mid rise and tall buildings “should only be built in the city’s core or near a highway.” Otherwise,they will “ruin

Helsingborg, I’m Coming!

5 Reasons I’m Excited about the Urban Future Global Conference After more than two years in Canada because of the pandemic, I’m looking forward to attending in-person events again! In June, I will be attending Helsingborg 22, the Urban Future Global Conference. The conference is

City of Toronto Mandatory Pre-Application

Mandatory Pre-Application | City of Toronto Mandatory Pre-Application Consultation: Proposed Amendments to the Official Plan and to the Municipal Code – Proposals Report May 26, 2021 Website on these Changes here. What is being proposed: The current development review process includes voluntary pre-application consultation. Applicants may request

How Other Cities in the U.S. and Canada Implement Missing Middle Policies?

Written by: Misha Bereznyak and Josh Papernick In July 2019, Mayor John Tory and Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão passed a motion that directed the planning department to consider new forms of development in Toronto’s ‘Neighbourhoods’. ‘Neighbourhood’ is a land use designation in Toronto’s Official Plan,

10 reasons to choose Modular Construction: Webinar Recording + Summary

10 reasons to choose Modular Construction: Webinar Recording + Summary As part of our Educational Webinar Series, we hosted a special webinar led by Chris Smith, a Project Manager and Temo Cruz, Prefabrication & Modular Coordinator at ED Modular. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OKPGgToNcQ&feature=emb_logo Below is a summary of

Financial Incentives for Affordable Housing

Financial Incentives for Affordable Housing Last week, the City of Toronto has released the 2020 Open Door Call for applications. What are the different programs, incentive tools and streams that exist today in order to accelerate affordable housing construction? Here’s a summary of the municipal,

12 Little Anecdotes from ‘Happy City’ by Charles Montgomery

12 Little Anecdotes from ‘Happy City’ by Charles Montgomery Written by Josh Papernick 1. A Swedish study found that people who endure more than a forty-five-minute commute were 40 percent more likely to divorce 2. A person with a one-hour commute has to earn 40

Infill Development in Apartment Neighbourhoods

Infill Development in Apartment Neighbourhoods The Official Plan provides criteria for infill development within Apartment Neighbourhoods. Compatible infill development may be permitted on sites with existing apartment buildings if they improve the existing site conditions. The major requirements are as follows:  Compatibility Be compatible in

The Yellow Belt – Local Empowerment Gone Wild

Recently, there is finally discussion in Toronto about the Yellow Belt. This brilliant term was coined by Urban Planner Gil Meslin in 2016 to liken the severe restrictions on development in most of the area of the GTA, in all areas designated as “neighbourhoods” (coloured

Dutch Urban Design – What can Canadian cities adopt?

Dutch Urban Design – What can Canadian cities adopt? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORvgxcLZodw&feature=emb_logo When it comes to urban design, the Dutch seem to get it right. Cities in the Netherlands are livable and vibrant. Single-family housing is not common and their streets are not designed for the car.