Infill Development in Apartment Neighbourhoods
The Official Plan provides criteria for infill development within Apartment Neighbourhoods. Compatible infill development may be permitted on sites with existing apartment buildings if they improve the existing site conditions. The major requirements are as follows:
- Be compatible in scale (height and massing) to the existing buildings on the site and adjacent to the site. * Provide sufficient separation distances from existing buildings.
- Maintain adequate sunlight to units, outdoor spaces and open spaces for new and existing residents.
Improvements to the Site
- Locate and mass new buildings to frame the edge of streets with good proportion.
- Maintain, replace and improve, or add to existing indoor and outdoor residential amenities on the site.
- Improve upon the quality of the landscaped open spaces.
- Relocate parking facing the streets and locate the required parking in a structure.
- Consolidate parking and services to areas not visible from the street.
- Provide and maintain privacy and landscaped open space for new and existing residents.
- Create grade-related units within mid- and high-rise buildings with direct access from public sidewalks, open spaces and park edges.
- Provide needed improvements, renovations and retrofits to the existing rental housing, including improving the water and energy efficiency.