Scale: Medium
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We grouped the most popular educational content relevant to this scale (from a mini-webinar to full case studies) – drop your email here to receive it all!
Webinars & Mini-webinars
Aurora Mews
Family-Focused Shared Space This project organizes 5 townhome blocks around 2 mews, a type of shared space that promotes a sense of community and a
New Housing, Old Heritage: When the two work together
Preserving the Old, Welcoming the New The development at 10 Mary Street, Oshawa, features the existing, preserved 6-storey heritage hotel and the proposal for a
Intensifying Rental Building Properties
The intensification of Apartment Neighbourhoods properties (rental buildings) is an important tool for developing more affordable purpose-built rental throughout Toronto. Apartment Neighbourhoods make up just
Deeply Affordable Modular Housing
This project pairs offsite modular and tilt-up construction methods to minimize construction time and maximize the cost-effectiveness of this 3-storey permanently affordable supportive housing project
661-665 Huron Street Infill – Laneway Rowhouses
Laneway Rowhouses in Toronto, Canada Unlocking the Missing Middle Missing Middle housing is a way to grow our cities. It is gentle density that fills
Missing Middle Case Study: Re-Thinking the Conventional Stacked Townhouse
What are the Limitations of the Conventional 3-Storey + Basement Stacked Townhouses? Underground parking is 1.5 storeys below grade – expensive. Lower unit receives inferior