Thinking Big, Building Small has brought together industry professionals from Toronto (and around the world!) to discuss solutions to the Missing Middle.
General Admission
Access to seminar sessions
6 hours of informative content
Insights from industry leaders
Access to recordings of the live event
Networking Sessions
Everything from General Admission
Exclusive Networking Sessions with other attendees and speakers
Exclusive networking in small groups
Limited to 25 people
Everything from General Admission and Networking Sessions
1 month of unlimited access to ALL of Smart Density's web-based feasibility tools
Missing Middle: Step by Step Online Course
Townhouse Modeller
Mid-Rise Building GFA Calculator
Hosted by Smart Density, Thinking Big, Building Small : A Toolkit for Developers & Community Members is a seminar that has brought together innovative architects, planners, and developers from Toronto (and from around the world!) to discuss creative solutions to the Missing Middle.
During this event, attendees will be introduced to the problem of the Missing Middle and the best strategies to get your city’s residents, councillors, and businesses on board to successfully implement gentle infill developments into existing desirable neighbourhoods.
What you can expect from this event:
- An in depth introduction to the Missing Middle issue;
- Professional advice on how to inspire your community to tackle the Missing Middle;
- Insider tips for creating a compelling pitch for your Missing Middle venture;
- Experienced opinions about how to successfully promote infill concepts;
- Exclusive presentations and commentary from successful Missing Middle architects, planners, and developers;
- Insight into how you can profitably execute your own Missing Middle vision;